Bishop Cornelius Piong presided the priestly ordination of Wilfred James in Tatal Retreat Centre Keningau Feb 13
By Didiroy Joneh
Feb 23 2021
KENINGAU – Amidst the global pandemic, the Diocese of Keningau was blessed with the ordination of Fr Wilfred James on February 13.
The priestly ordination was presided over by Bishop Cornelius Piong at Tatal Diocese Keningau Retreat Centre. Due to the MCO, only 50 guests were present.
Fr Wilfred thanked God and all those involved in the process of his formation over the years, especially his parents who are not alive to see him ordained but he is confident that they were present in spirit and watching over him.

Fr Wilfred also thanked the congregation and Bishop Cornelius for all their prayers, support and encouragement. “It is such a privilege and honour to be called by God and I do not have the words to thank the Bishop enough for the opportunity to be a priest here in the Diocese of Keningau.”
“Pray for us new priests and all those who are still in their priestly formation, may they always be strong and persevere.”
Bishop Piong in his speech to the newly ordained priest said, “You have been chosen and are being sent with the mandate to transmit the Christian message by embracing those whom the Lord will send your way, as a missionary disciple. Our ministry must always be sourced and based on the Unity, Loyalty and Holiness of Jesus Christ.
“Before all else, you must ‘be Jesus’ for your people. Not only when you proclaim his Word, or celebrate the sacred mysteries at the altar, but in all things. Speak of his love, share his wisdom and knowledge. Tell the stories of his life. Try to be a living example of his tender mercy.”
Born in 1981, Fr Wildred, the tenth of eleven children, is a graduate of Universiti Utara Malaysia and the Philippine Institute of Formation Fondacio Asia, Quezon City, where he learnt to be a youth leader.
Two of his sisters are Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FSIC), Sr Olga Mary who is serving in Kota Marudu and Sr Martina, currently serving in Sandakan.
Fr Wilred was actively involved in the Youth Apostolate and Campus Ministry in the Diocese of Keningau from 2003-2012 before discerning a call to Diocesan priesthood in Keningau.
His vocation journey started when he was still in primary school. He expressed his desire to become a priest to his parents. His parents did not object but said that he had to finish his studies first.
During his first pastoral immersion in 2014, he was helping the Legion of Mary, the Charismatic Renewal Movement, the Children’s Liturgy and the Hospital Sentosa (Sarawak Mental House).
He was appointed a Lector by Bishop Richard Ng on Nov 2, 2016 and acolyte by Bishop Simon Poh at St Peter’s College.
He was ordained as deacon in October 2020 in Keningau.
At the end of the Mass, Bishop Cornelius said, “God is full of wonder and awe. Today is evidence of His enormous love and care. Amid the coronavirus, we still can be grateful and joyful for we have a new priest.”
To the young people, the Bishop asked them to reflect on these questions, “what is my relationship with God, with my neighbour and my church?” God is always calling you to serve His people.
The Bishop then thanked the MPP Chairlady, Nancy Nelly Joneh and the Organising Team who assisted in the ordination rites. The prelate announced that Fr Wilfred will be commissioned to St Valentine Beaufort, effective March 13, 2021. – Herald Malaysia