We become an Easter people by the way we live and define our lifestyle in the spirit of Easter, that is a life that shows that Jesus is alive and accompanies us in our midst, says Keningau Bishop Cornelius Piong, when we “journey together in Him, pray unceasingly, live the Word of God, celebrate the Sacraments, celebrate community living, strive for justice, peace and love, and live in harmony with Creation”.
“THE Lord Jesus is risen, now alive and present with us till the end of time.” (Mt 28:20)
Throughout Lent we take the opportunity to follow and try to experience the sacrifices that Jesus went through, which ultimately led to Him being crucified and died, but resurrected and alive.
May our choices and commitment in taking time to pray, fast and give alms as an expression of our devotion to love God and one another bring us to experience the joy of Easter.
The essence of Lent, if truly lived, will bring us to experience the Easter celebration more deeply and define our lifestyle as disciples of Jesus.
How we organize our lives personally, our relationship with God, our relationship with one another and God’s created world will be influenced by the spirit of Easter – Jesus Who lives and accompanies us.
As people of God whose lives are influenced by the spirit of Easter, we are proud to identify with the people of God at the time of the Apostles. “They lived together one in heart and mind” and testified to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-33).
The spirit of Easter should be celebrated in our daily lives because Jesus Who rose from the dead, lives and accompanies us. He is the Source, reason and purpose of our lives.
We, as God’s people, should express the joy of Easter by journeying together in Him, praying unceasingly, living the Word of God, celebrating the Sacraments, celebrating community living, striving for justice, peace, and love, and living in harmony with Creation
With confidence then as the Lord Jesus lives and accompanies us, we will always be able to testify to Him in whatever situation, as how we have put our trust in God’s mercy when we experienced the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are certainly convinced that the Lord Jesus suffered, died and rose again to save all mankind.
It is therefore our mission to always promote fraternity and social friendship between peoples and nations despite there being different cultures and religions as called for by Pope Francis (Fratelli tutti).
St Paul reminds us, “If Christ has not been raised from the dead, then our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1 Cor 15:14).
May this Easter celebration strengthen the unity, faithfulness and holiness of our lives in the risen and living Lord Jesus so that we may always be confident of the destination of our lives in following Jesus, for He is the Way, the Truth and the Life ”(John 14: 6).
Wishing you a Blessed and Happy Easter!
Bishop Cornelius Piong
Diocese of Keningau
Pesan Paska 2021 oleh Uskup Cornelius Piong