Fr Sunny Chung
By Jerome Majanil
Sep 9 2020
PENAMPANG – In the recent release of his communique to all clergy and religious of the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, Archbishop John Wong announced that Fr Sunny Chung will be made the new spiritual advisor for Couples for Christ (CFC) in the Archdiocese. The appointment will be effective October 1, 2020.

Its current Area Sabah head, Jerome and Anne Majanil, has been at the helm of this community here in Sabah since 2015. The news of a change in spiritual adviser came as not a surprise for this couple.
The Archdiocese has since 2016 given this community a spiritual adviser, first with Fr Paul Lo, and changed guard in 2018 with Fr Gilbert Marcus. The community has worked well with their previous spiritual advisers, and now looking forward to working with Fr Sunny Chung.
CFC was first introduced into KK Archdiocese as a Catholic Lay Ecclesial Movement in 2005.
The CFC community was first established in the Philippines in 1981, and given Vatican approval as private lay movement in 2005. In 2016, an office was allotted to CFC at the Vatican. Since its inception, CFC has spread to more than 120 countries in the world.
The lay movement brings together Christian families with the vision “Families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of this earth”. Since 2016, CFC Global has aggressively promoted the tag “Family is a Gift” (FIG) with many programs trying to bring this message across: Men and women of God growing in maturity and fulfilling their primary vocation of raising up their families under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and for the service of the Kingdom of God.
For 2020, the theme for the lay movement worldwide is “Call to Holiness” 1 Peter 1:15. The community in Sabah has plans to celebrate its 15th Anniversary this year.