By Mathias Hariyadi
The Catholic Diocese of Surabaya in Indonesia’s East Java celebrated the episcopal ordination of its new bishop, Fr Agustinus Tri Budi Utomo, which took place at the Catholic University of Widya Mandala on Jan 22, followed by a Celebration of Vespers at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral.
Known affectionately as Fr Didik, the newly ordained bishop has called for a shift away from feudalistic traditions in the Church, setting a humble and inclusive tone for his leadership.
In his address during the ordination, Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo of Jakarta revealed that Bishop Utomo had expressed his discomfort with being addressed by the honorific title “Monseigneur,” citing its feudalistic connotations.
“The new bishop will always likely pleased if his congregation would not call him ‘Msgr,’ but just simply to call their new prelate: ‘Romo Uskup’ or ‘Bapak Uskup’ — Father Bishop,” the cardinal said.
This decision, uncommon among Indonesian bishops, has been widely welcomed by the Catholic community, which sees it as a move towards humility and servant leadership.
Call to address ‘crisis of love’
In his first homily, Bishop Utomo emphasized the importance of love within the Church, echoing the late Pope Benedict XVI’s concept of a “crisis of love.”
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