By Deborah Castellano Lubov
The Jubilee is a perfect time to start anew…
Pope Francis stressed this in his remarks to the presidents and directors of the Italian Federation of the Automobile Club in the Vatican on Thursday, as he suggested that educating and protecting the environment are two areas which contribute to offering a better future.
In his remarks, the Pope thanked the delegation for having “been at the service of citizens” for the past 120 years. “In this changing era,” he commended their continued commitment “to put people, their well-being, and their safety at the center.”
Jubilee for starting anew
The Jubilee, Pope Francis encouraged, can be an opportunity for everyone “to start anew.” We are not made to remain still, he reminded, “but to aspire to happiness,” which, he reassured, is possible when we recognize Jesus, Mary, and the Saints in our midst.
Therefore, he urged those before him to “never be discouraged,” but to “always start again.”
Responsibility and respect
The Pope went on to illustrate how educating and protecting the earth bring hope to the present, and can construct a worthy future for all people.
Turning first to education, the Pope said there is a need for a culture of respect and road safety, starting from schools.
As he thanked the Federation for its educational programs, the Pope said that adopting responsible behavior, respecting rules, and being aware of risks help foster civil coexistence, and help work toward achieving the goal of “zero victims on the roads.”
Encouraging sustainability
Turning next to the environment, the Holy Father observed that the number of vehicles, the consumption of non-renewable energy, the cost of fuel, pollution, and traffic are some of the factors that have “an undeniable impact” on our common home and its inhabitants.
“Quality of life,” he warned, “is at stake!”
For this reason, Pope Francis called it urgent to address these challenges with seriousness and determination, also by creating alliances to encourage sustainability.
With this recommendation, Pope Francis concluded by entrusting them, their families, and their work to St Christopher, patron saint of motorists, as he imparted his Apostolic Blessing and invited them to pray for him. – Vatican News