Fr Mitchelly Kiun (middle right), then Deacon Sylvester Wong and the teachers pose with the 23 children who have received their First Holy Communion
By Juliana Ringgingon
July 12 2022
TELIPOK – 23 children received their First Holy Communion during the Eucharistic celebration Jun 19 in conjunction with the Feast of Corpus Christi in Holy Family Parish.
Receiving the First Holy Communion was a meaningful experience for the children who had been preparing themselves for it since the Covid-19 era.
As God’s creation, children view the world and their surrounding differently from adults.
A youngster was asked about his experience, he said, “Honestly, I myself do not understand the full meaning of receiving the Body of Christ. But what I can relate to is my experience of how I always look forward for the time when I can walk to the front, closer to the altar and just looking at other people receiving the Holy Communion.
“I often gazed at the Body of Christ when it was being lifted by the priest. I did this countless of time. Today, to my own amazement, I could not hold my emotion as the experience was too overwhelming.”
That was a vivid experience of a young boy in his own way, of a profound experience being united with Jesus in the way he has never experienced before.
The children is preparing to receive their First Holy Communion
Many thanks to their dedicated teachers and parents, the children were able to resume classes and complete it on time. They were evidently happy.
For us, the parishioners, we too share in their excitement. Regardless of the number of times we receive the Body of Christ in the Eucharist, the experience of God’s greatness remains special every time. For it is God’s love that we are truly receiving.
Fr Mitchelly Kiun, celebrated the Corpus Christi Mass, assisted by then Deacon Sylvester Wong.
Fr Kiun reflected the meaning of the Corpus Christi, “An expression of God’s love for He has given us Christ our Lord and Saviour who in turn gave us His Body and Blood in the Eucharist”.
He further said that “Christ is the heart of Christian Initiation in Baptism and Confirmation. We received Christ in a special way in the Eucharist, into our body and our soul…so intimate!”
Some of the children with Fr Mitchelly Kiun and Sr Elizabeth Munggai, cutting cake at the gathering after the Mass. Sylvester Wong looks on.