Group photo after IWD Mass ( Source: Catherine Wan )
By Agnes Chai
Mar 9 2021
KOTA KINABALU – The theme for International Women’s Day 2021 presents a challenge to women universally with a call to “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”.
Although the international theme focuses more on women’s challenges in the area of equal pay, ending all forms of violence against women, health-care services in response to women’s needs, etc, the pandemic has spotlighted how women stand at the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis as healthcare workers, volunteers for humanitarian initiatives and community organizers.
The women of the parish, noted Sacred Heart Cathedral parish priest Fr Paul Lo, have done no less at the frontline in contributing and performing both community and humanitarian tasks within and outside the parish during the pandemic.
Despite the lockdown since the dramatic arrival of the coronavirus last March, the women, in particular the parish Catholic Women’s League, have not failed to decorate the altar with flowers for Sunday Masses, even though the Masses were live streamed. Notwithstanding the lockdown barriers, they persisted to continue to contribute their efforts to mark their annual anniversary and Christmas celebration with the Archbishop, albeit with a handful of people.
Flower arrangement for the altar by SHCWL members
Fr Paul wryly commented that though the Church is made up of a male body (hierarchy) but with a woman’s soul, it is a fact that 70 percent of church attendees is made up of women, which also applies to those serving in the church ministries and committees.
To show his appreciation for the women in the parish, Fr Paul celebrated Mass to mark the International Women’s Day 2021 at parish level Mar 8. The 4.00 pm evening Mass was attended by a small number of women parishioners, who diligently observed the SOP protocol set by the parish.
Notably present was the Head of the Archdiocesan Women Commission, Anita Tunggolou, who is also the chairlady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Women’s League (SHCWL). With her was a score of faithful members of the SHCWL who turned up for the thanksgiving Mass. Also present were other women parishioners from other parish community groups. – Agnes Chai