By Doughlas Naun
KOTA KINABALU – About 75 parishioners from Sacred Heart Cathedral and some volunteers participated in beach cleaning on Nov 23, 2024. The program was called ‘Program Pungut Sampah sempena Sambutan Hari Krismas 2024’ organised by KK Interchurches group.
Sacred Heart Cathedral joined for the first time this meaningful event spurred by the rector, Fr Paul Lo and collaborating with Creation Justice Committee and CARITAS, led by Sr Anita.
The Sacred Heart group were assigned to clean the area number three, from the Likas Mosque point to the end of Tanjung Lipat area. At 9.30 am, black garbage bags which were filled with plastics and bottles, placed along the beach were collected by the Kota Kinabalu City Hall’s garbage truck.
A couple who came along with their children expressed satisfaction in doing something meaningful to the cleanliness of the beach said that they will not hesitate to join similar awareness and meaningful event in the future.