TERAWI – Heed on the call of Laudato Si’, the second encyclical of Pope Francis, Holy Nativity Parish Terawi (HNPT) pledged as an Ecological Parish and launched on the 7 Dec 2024, as the fourth parish in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu to do so.
It kicked off with Mass celebration attended about 100 parishioners from the four churches, Holy Nativity Church Terawi, St Simon Duvanson, Our Lady Of Fatima, Talang Taun and St Peter Tombovo, presided by the parish priest Fr Michael Modoit and concelebrated by Fr Jack Johimi.
Beginning of the Mass, Fr Michael said that the Mass specifically celebrated to thank God for His creation around us, for we are all related to the plants, to the animals, to the trees and to the nature surrounding us. It is important to come to the Eucharist first, as Eucharist is the source of our life.
After the Mass, Fr Michael with Fr Jack and Ecology Chairman, Thomas Ijim released the bunting to mark the launching of the event.
Afterwards, a whole day programme carried out at Holy Nativity Terawi Hall. It started with an oath taking and recitation of the Ecology Prayer. A great opportunity for those parishioners who attended the programme as they were given catechesis and talks from Winnie Jimis, Creation Justice Commission representatives on Laudato Si’ and Professor Felix Tongkul on Climate Change.
After the session, Fr Michael, Fr Jack and all the Parish Pastoral Council members planted 22 plants and trees around the allocated ground at the church compound.
After lunch, the programme continued with sharing from Arus Oil on recycled oil, Green Buddy and Moyog Innovation House. All these sharing, talks and catechesis gave useful information, insights and awareness of what ecology is all about.
There were kiosks selling water bottles, food packages and eco-bags, and display of creative recycled materials for sale.
As Professor Felix concluded in his talk, “It is not an easy task to carry out fully ecology matters unless there is human conversion to treat any living things on this earth. However, start small and let it grow.”