By Irene Tan
MELAKA – On Jan 4, eight catechists and 20 English primary students from the Church of St Theresa, Melaka, embarked on a pilgrimage to three churches in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur. The journey began with a blessing from Fr Louis Chin, assistant parish priest, before they set off.
The atmosphere on the bus was filled with the chatter and laughter of excited children as they made their way to the Church of St Francis of Assisi, Cheras. Upon arrival, the group was awestruck by the stunning church, perched on a hill and surrounded by lush greenery. The pilgrims were warmly greeted by the faithful of St Francis of Assisi’s Pilgrimage Ministry.
All of us were amazed when we saw the beautiful stained glass on the life of St Francis of Assisi in the church, depicting his transformation, from a rich man’s son who lived the high-life to a humble servant of the Lord, from one who evaded lepers to one who embraced them with compassion, was a great encouragement of how much goodness one can bring forth with love of Christ.
The students also took part in the Way of the Cross, which featured life-sized statues. With deep reverence, the students took turns carrying the cross, reflecting on the intimate and personal connection with Jesus. This moment profoundly impacted the students, deepening their understanding of Christ’s love.
Following the Way of the Cross, the group explored the chapel’s display of relics of St John Paul II, St Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, St Rita, and St Pio. The students prayed for the intercession of these saints, who continue to inspire and guide the faithful.
The next stop was the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist in Kuala Lumpur, where the group was greeted by Deacon Jonathan Andrew Rao, who is set to be ordained on Jan 25. Deacon Jonathan shared the rich history of the cathedral, which was consecrated and elevated to its current status in 1962. He also explained the Latin inscription ECCE AGNUS DEI on the altar, meaning “Behold the Lamb of God,” which helped the students understand the significance of the Eucharist. The students also learned about the Chair of the Bishop at the Cathedral.
The students were fascinated to learn that the past two archbishops, Archbishop Dominic Aloysius Vendargon and His Eminence Anthony Soter Cardinal Fernandez, DD, were laid to rest at the ground inside the Cathedral. The group was also moved by a drawing of Mother Mary with Baby Jesus, gifted by a Mexican lady, which beautifully portrayed the unconditional love and sacrifices of the Blessed Virgin.
After bidding farewell to Deacon Jonathan and taking a group photo at the statue of St Michael the Archangel, the pilgrims made their way to the Church of the Visitation in Seremban. There, they were warmly welcomed by Fr Philip Tay, OCD, and his parishioners.
It was indeed an awe-inspiring trip and a very blessed opportunity to visit two pilgrimage churches i.e. Church of St Francis of Assisi, Cheras, and Cathedral of St John the Evangelist. With spirit-filled hearts, the students gave thanks to God for what they were grateful for. – Herald Malaysia