Catechists at the Catechists Reflection held in SHC parish hall
By Susan Graham
Jan 25 2022
KOTA KINABALU – After being online for nearly two years, 60 Catechists (Chinese and English languages) from the Church of Immaculate Mary and Sacred Heart Cathedral enthusiastically turned up for the recollection for Catechists conducted by *Seminarian Matthew Lo Jan 15.
The recollection was organized by the parish to refresh, recollect and enlighten the catechists.
The recollection, which was held at the parish hall, kicked off with a dynamic introduction to the theme for Catechetical Sunday “Family Life, a Path to Holiness” by Matthew.
For the sessions, the speaker touched on the concerns of the catechists spreading the Good News of the Gospel during the pandemic, their faith, and dealing with their family and the universal Catholic family and community as a whole.
The participants were divided into small groups. Each group discussed and shared about being a catechist, their faith, and having their family together all day long during the pandemic lockdown.
Everyone agreed it was not easy in the beginning. However, as things calmed down, most began to see the importance and the need of praying together as a family and understanding each other better.
The closeness of the family taught them about tolerance, respect, teamwork, and accepting one another for their strengths and weaknesses which became a way of understanding in one’s family.
Since online classes has become the new ‘normal’ way of communication, many Sunday school students managed to go online, though there were still many more who had internet connection problems.
The catechists had to adapt and improvise their teaching method to cater for the students. Location and time were also matters of concern.
The feedback from the participants was encouraging. They were refreshed and were filled once more with the compassion and love of Jesus Christ to spread the word of God. They hoped to have more recollections in the future.