25 July 2020
To All Clergy and Chairpersons of Pastoral Councils
Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
Peace be with you! Praise God that we can gradually resume pastoral activities in our parishes. I hope you are coping well.
After some verification and consultation with the relevant authorities, here are some pastoral instructions for your attention:
- Sunday School and RCIA Classes
You may go ahead to resume these catechetical activities but the students must adhere to SOP. However, classes that involved children 12 years old and below are still not permitted.
- Reception of the Sacraments of Initiation
Priests in the parishes are given the faculty to administer these sacraments to those candidates who have completed their preparation. I will leave this to the parishes to arrange it.
- Seminar & Group Activities
Can go ahead, but should not be more than 250 participants. Government SOP on this is to be strictly adhered to.
- Church Wedding
Effective 1/8/20, church wedding is permitted. Please make sure that the “Protocol for Religious Services for KK Archdiocese” which I have sent out on 25 June 2020 is observed during the occasion.
- Funeral Mass
Still not allowed. Services can be done at funeral parlour or home and after that straight to the cemetery.
- Baby Baptism
Still not allowed in church.
Our compliance to the above instructions is a way to help the government to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. The sooner we can overcome the crisis the better for us. Let us continue to pray for all the victims of the pandemic that they are comforted by people who come to their aid.
God bless.
Kepada semua paderi dan pengerusi MPP
Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu
Damai sejahtera bersama anda! Syukur kepada Tuhan kerana kita dapat mulai mengadakan aktiviti-aktiviti pastoral di paroki kita. Saya berharap anda dapat mengendalikannya dengan baik.
Setelah membuat pengesahan dan konsultasi dengan pihak-pihak yang berkenaan, berikut adalah beberapa arahan-arahan pastoral untuk perhatian anda:
- Sekolah Minggu dan Kelas IKD
Anda boleh memulakan aktiviti-aktiviti katekatikal ini tetapi para pelajar harus mematuhi SOP. Walaubagaimanapun, kelas-kelas yang melibatkan kanak-kanak di bawah umur 12 tahun belum lagi dibenarkan.
- Penerimaan Sakramen-sakramen Initiasi
Para paderi di paroki diberi fakulti untuk memberi sakramen-sakramen tersebut kepada calon-calon yang sudah siap sedia. Saya serahkan perkara ini kepada anda untuk mengaturkannya.
- Seminar & Kegiatan Kumpulan
Boleh diadakan tetapi dihadkan kepada 250 peserta. Sila mematuhi SOP Kerajaan.
- Perkhawinan di Gereja
Bermulai 1/8/20 upacara perkahwinan boleh diadakan di gereja. Sila pastikan “Protocol for Religious Services for KK Archdiocese” yang telah saya edarkan pada 25 Jun 2020 dipatuhi.
- Misa Pengkebumian
Masih belum dibenarkan. Upacara boleh diadakan di funeral parlour atau kediaman dan seterusnya ke tempat kubur.
- Permandian kanak-kanak
Masih belum boleh diadakan di dalam gereja.
Pematuhan kita kepada arahan-arahan di atas adalah satu cara untuk membantu kerajaan dalam menangani pandemik COVID-19. Lebih cepat kita mengatasi krisis ini lebih baik bagi diri kita. Marilah kita terus berdoa bagi semua mangsa pandemik agar mereka dapat dihiburkan oleh orang-orang yang datang membantu mereka.
Tuhan memberkati.
Most Rev John Wong
Archbishop of Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese