On the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Jul 16, Archbishop John Wong (standing right on back row) celebrated Mass for the Temporary profession of Sr Elizabeth of the Trinity, OCD nun, and was joined by her family from Tambunan. Fr Mattheus Luta (standing left on back row) concelebrated the Mass. The parents of Sr Elizabeth, Donis Bujal (in blue) and Ramidah Dadong (in red) has three girls and one boy with Sr Elizabeth being the youngest.
By Catherine Wan
Jul 22 2021
KOTA KINABALU – In the midst of the pandemic and with MCO restrictions still in force, the Carmelite community witnessed Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity taking the next step to become fully integrated into the community as she professed temporary vows in front of her Carmelite sisters and members of her family.
The joyous event took place during the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, which was celebrated by Archbishop John Wong, at the Carmel Monastery of Our Lady of Mt Carmel and St Therese of the Child Jesus Jul 16. Carmel Monastery chaplain, Fr Mattheus Luta concelebrated the Mass with the Archbishop.
Following the Gospel, the novice was asked by the prelate to express what she desired from God and His Church. To which Sr Elizabeth replied “I ask for God‘s merciful love, the poverty of the Order and companionship of the sisters in the monastery,” At that, the community responded “Thanks be to God”.
The prelate explained in his homily that the religious profession of Sr Elizabeth to live according to the three evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience will configure the life of the novice more fully to Jesus and Mary.
Taking the next step to a life of fidelity to her vows was akin to following St John at the foot of the Cross in the Gospel, to take Mary home as his mother. In doing so, John made a special place for Mary, reflected in the responsorial psalm ’Draw us after you, Virgin Mary; we shall follow in your footsteps’ and do as she bids, to ’Do whatever he (Jesus) tells you’. (John 2:5)
During the ceremony, she promised poverty, chastity, and obedience to God as she resolved to unite herself more closely to Jesus by the bond of her religious profession as Discalced Nun of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, and to live for God alone in solitude and continual prayer for the Universal Church, Christ’s mystical body. Then the prelate implored God to grant her his graces to fulfill what she resolved.
The novice then read the formula of Temporary profession, which lasts for the duration of three years, in front of the Mother Prioress. The prelate then handed the Rule and Constitutions to the newly professed at the communion window. The Rite of Profession concluded with the general intercessions for the newly professed.
Sr Elizabeth entered the Carmelite Monastery on 3 August 2019, and took her clothing on 15 July 2020. On 16 July 2021, at the age of 30, she made her first profession to dedicate the next three years of her life in preparation before she professes her permanent vows.